Governance Support Facility Initiatives for the 21st

Governance Support Facility Initiatives for the 21st Century

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Governance Support Facility Initiatives- Vietnam (GoSFI- VN)


List of Reports and Articles on Vietnam by GoSFI Specialists

  1. Thaveeporn Vasavakul’s policy research reports, academic articles, capacity development manuals, and newspaper articles. Links to electronic files of certain items are provided.  Learn More...

Key Legal and Policy Documents

  1. Public administration reform
  2. Anti-corruption
    To be Updated

Information Sharing

Vasavakul, Thaveeporn. “Vietnam provides clues for corruption fight in socialist countries.” Global Times 22 July 2012,

Vasavakul, Thaveeporn. “Tham nhũng trong mua sắm công: Thực trạng và những giải pháp dựa trên kinh nghiệm quốc tế” (Corruption in public procurement: situation and solutions based on international experiences). Đại biểu Nhân dân (People’s Representatives) 29 June 2012,