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GoSFI's key research activities in Viet Nam are as follows:
Public Administration Reform Research focuses on transformations in public administration and the extent to which these processes have in turn redefined the functions of the state and its relations with society. The research takes place within the context of Vietnamese doi moi (reform) adopted in 1986 at the Sixth National Party Congress and officially endorsing Vietnam’s transition away from a centrally-planned economy.
Restructuring of Public Service Delivery Research focuses specifically on the restructuring of state education and health care services, with an emphasis on management decentralization, financial autonomy, and the demand for increasingly diverse services.
Local Governance Research analyzes
State-Society Partnership Research focuses on official and informal interactions among government agencies and elected bodies, intellectuals, business, social groups and the community in the process of addressing socio-economic development challenges. It analyzes official dialogue mechanisms within the context of Vietnam’s continuing need to clarify the functions of state and public sector reform, as well as the need to conceptualize “participation” in increasingly diverse socio-economic settings.
Anti-Corruption Research analyzes behavior definable as corruption within the context of Vietnam’s governance and integrity structures. The research focuses on
GOVERNANCE IN VIET NAM HELP DESK offers applied and evidenced-based research services in areas of governance reform. Designed to fill in information gaps during various steps of a policy process, HELP DESK focuses on process analysis, context, agendas, legal and policy frameworks, solutions, impacts, good practices at the national and sub-national levels, and relevant international experiences.
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